by Linda Mulvaney.........................................
My cat Gilbert died almost one year ago and Rainbow bridge has helped me. I am so sorry that there are so many other people that are sharing the same feelings that I am right now, but it does make be feel better to know I am not alone. My life has not been the same since my wonderful fur baby cat left me. I feel that most people just cannot understand how I feel. He was so much more to me then just a pet he was my sunshine. I swear he knew all my moods & was always there for me.I miss him right down to my bones. He is buried in my back yard and today it is snowing out and I look out there at his little grave and my heart just cries. I want to hold him again so bad it hurts.I know he is not in pain anymore and he is not scared. I do
know it was his time to leave us and the time would have never been right for me,but I have to find confort in knowing that he is not hurting anymore.Rainbow bridge lets me express my feelings like I cannot do with anyone else.I cry as I write this but I seem to hold it in other times and I think it is good to let it out.Now for Gilbert, he came to us at 6 weeeks old just a little fur ball. He had me wrapped aroung his paw frow the first day and believe me he knew it.He was so affectionate,always giving head rubs and purring so loud.
He loved vegetables especially string beans. Loved to play with tissue paper. He would hide under it. Loved Christmas and the tree. I guess that is why this past Christmas was so hard. I made a special spot on the tree with hearts for him.He loved sleeping on my bed and a certain green blanket.That is where he died and on that blanket.Every night at dinner he would sit on the kitchen chair and watch me cook and know he was going to get something and he did.When I was sick he would sit next to the bed and look at me with a look on his face like saying what is wrong Mommy then come up on the bed and snuggle. He was so beautiful and that is how I try to remember him not how he was when he died.The most awful thing was when he died I looked into his eyes and they turned colors and i could just see the life go out of him.That is when the color went out of my life to.When i hear the song Please don't take my sunshine away,It makes me cry because that is what I feel happened went he left.My sunshine was taken away. Anyway this is long and maybe know one else would want to read this but it has helped me to talk about him and think about him and maybe someone will read this and know they are not alone in what they are feeling after loosing there loved one.My Gilbert is in my heart and will be there forever,he has left paw prints on my heart that will never go away.I love you baby. Rest in peace.