Montana Sky's Story
by Lisa Godin
In 2002 I had moved into a Condo. My third Siamese Manny was a healthy bouncy two-year-old. No money problems for another 10 uear, still had a car that I had to give up 10 years later, all seemed OK. Then one day my condo suite was entered without permission without apology and I said I need a watch dog! So I got dog books looking for a small enough dog and settled on a Chihuahua. Read training books.

I drove to Petland. I know, I know! Adopt don't shop, right? I had adopted a puppy in 1978 a German Shepherd puppy from the Shelter who didn't tell me my dog had incurable heartworm. To this day I'm bitter!

I test drove dogs and none had the IT factor. Then SHE came! Montana Sky whom I named for John Denver's song Montana Skies, was brought out. She had just arrived that day. She was white who turned tan on her back. The store was packed! Not one person but me looked at her as she was carried out or petted her. Montana locked her eyes on me alone in that crowded store. She was shaking. She was only one and a quarter pounds. The tips of her ears folded over until they stood up a month later.

I put Montana on my lap and her shaking ceased. I asked her if she wanted me to be her new momma. She kissed me and fell asleep on my lap and I knew she was my girl!

I demanded to take her home despite them trying to deny me for her kennel cough they didn't treat and who knows when that day sh arrived. I had to buy food she hated, a useless cage, food bowls, collar and leash. She slept on the ride home on my lap.

It wasn't until no papers were sent did I realize she was from a puppy mill that I just learned existed. I was NOT supporting them!

Montana had crooked front legs, a slipped disk in her back that only went out three times in her 16 years, her heart was strong in beat, always had to fuss at her to eat. I got her up to six pounds snacks included. At the proper time she was spayed

I called her baby girl, girly girl, honey bear, bear cub and my favorite puppy girl.

Manny the cat was not fond on her and held her down like a hunting lion by the throat and had to yank him off. After that he didn't mind her and he helped raise her. Babysitting, grooming, watching over her when I had to go somewhere.

Montana was special! I told her I was hearing impaired. I know, you say, dogs understand no words, right? I had to tell her to stop barking at the phone. I can hear that and she did. A car twice tried to run us down from behind going to the mailbox that I couldn't hear and she pulled me out of the way both ways! I was astounded! A Chihuahua who never leash pulled, such a little girl(she was the big size) pulled me to safety! Months later I was in the yard doing lawn work and it was too hot for my girl. I started feeling faint, confused, stopped sweating, I was in a bad way. Went upstairs confused, slid down the wall and whispered "help me!" I live with no other people. Montana ran from downstairs and pushed and shoved to get me on my feet to get water. She saved my lofe again! My Vet was amazed my telling him this and the car story after my girl sadly had to be put to sleep at 16. I'm still amazed she saved my life. She was special just like I thought!

As a puppy until Montana became a year old, she had this game of jamming her nose in a nostril. I'd blow and she'd kiss. Jam the nose in the other nose, blow and another kiss. She was a big kisser.

When I gave her her cough medication she needed it through a dropper and she knew exactly how to take it! I didn't have to teach her! She learned gimme five after four teachings, she talked to me a lot and when I asked questions like kibvle or potty or snack, she'd get into the play position wag and bark. If a question didn't suit no reaction. It took two weeks to litter box and house break her. THIS Chihuahua could be easily housebroken when most say it's tough. Not my girl!

Montana was smart, affectionate to me at least, never bit anyone, and a fantastic watch dog!

Montana was my girl! I didn't hold it against her being a pet shop puppy mill girl. She was MY specisl girl who deserved and gave love to me and adored my cat. She thought all cats were her friend!

Great driving co-pilot. Sje'd lie on the passenger side floor staring at me the whole ride. It was eerie!

I loved my girl and her passig gives me great grief. I buried her in her favorite backyard spot, I visit and talk to her every day and the pain lessens and my cat needs my help as he's depressed at her loss. Gradually he's recovering.

I feel her presence. I always check her bed out of habit. But her bed that she stole from her cat brother will stay where it is. Her toys, chew bones are in another room along with her meal bowls and her coats. She looked hot in blue and her raincoat and winter coat are blue. Her blue collar, tags and leash are in their place. They're a comfort.

For comfort I clutch Montana's favorite teddy bear.

Baby girl my love for you is forever!

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Lisa Godin
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