I force-fed my baby and I gave him liquids (feline dialysis). I was determined to make him well again.
On his last morning, I was force-feeding him and he looked up at me as if to say "No more mommy" I promised Boris I wouldn't give him anymore and gave him his meds. Before I left for work, I told Boris not to do anything without me. I kissed him and wished him a good day.
When I returned home from work, Boris was right where I left him and he looked up to see who was coming in the door. I told Boris that I had to hang up my coat. I ran and scooped Boris in my arms and his head began to drop and his breathing became labored. I tried to keep his life inside of him. I rocked him and told him I loved him.
When I brought him to the vet, I thanked him for all the good times he gave me and all the love he showed me. I will never, ever forget
Boris. His sister, Natasha and his brother, Sonny survive him.
Boris will remain in my heart always!