by Liz Bradbury.........................................

There's a bond that grew, between we two;
It seems it started a life time ago.
At the time we met I never knew
I'd learn to love you so!
By my side through thick and thin,
A love that couldn't compare;-
The closeness we've had, through good and through bad,
Only man and his best friend could share.
But now the good times have come to and end,
It seems that I must now decide
If I want to do what I know is best,
Which will eliminate you from my side.
To put you to rest, free from the pain,
Is the right thing I'm sure in my mind;
And to let you go on wouldn't be best,
Now the courage I somehow must find.
Can I love you enough to set you free?
Will the mem'ries pull me through?
I know in my heart I must do what's right,
And do what's best for you.
With a kiss and a hug, I'll bid you farewell,
But it's not forever you'll see,
We'll meet again at Rainbow Bridge,
Where you'll come running to me.
Till then dear Misty, in rest you should know,
That I've loved you as my best friend,-
With tears in my eyes, it's not a good bye
But "until we meet again".

©Liz Bradbury

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