My Visitation Dream of Mia
by Lorena Lopez
I fell asleep holding your squirrel, my heart was broken, and I felt so dull.
I dreamt that I was home alone, and it was dark, but I began to roam.
When I walked to my kitchen and looked to my left, there you were looking at me, I felt so blessed.
You were standing there with a cute little smile while wearing your favorite dress, you were always in style.
I couldn’t believe it was you, your health was revived and renewed.
You looked so beautiful, happy, and peaceful then I began to hear something musical.
My heart was beating so fast and so hard, you showed me you will never be too far.
The incredible rays of lights from the room behind you were so bright, you looked like a beautiful angel and bright as a starlight.
I am so thankful that you visited me on my birthday because I have been feeling so empty and so gray.
You also remembered it was your Daddy’s college graduation,
But nothing makes us prouder than you, you are God’s greatest creation.
I called out your name “Mia!” while rushing towards you and I kneeled.
Then the light was gone, and you were not there anymore. Without you, my heart will never fully heal.
All I could do is tell you “I LOVE YOU.” Hoping you would hear me and hoping you would come through.
I woke up feeling loved but crying in tears. You knew it was my birthday and showed me you will always be near.
You are the most amazing daughter and my best friend. You have the most beautiful soul and you loved me for who I am.
The type of love you showed with me was unconditional and so special, no one can ever provide the same level of love, you were so essential.
The bond we shared is irreplaceable and the link to our hearts is unbreakable.
The amount of emptiness and sadness I feel is something that most people cannot comprehend.
Please wait for me Mia at rainbow bridge for we will never be apart again.

Love always, Mommy
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Lorena Lopez
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