by Loui@verse Rogere.........................................
I had to put my dog of 16 years down today, 8/21/07. Her name was Misty, she was sixteen years and one month old........she had been showing signs of slowing down for the past three months......not eating right, having accidents in the house, and her back legs not responding....like they used to. Today, she couldn't walk.....at all .......... no motor skills in the back legs what ever... I took her to the vet and she said that she displaced her disk and would not walk again, even with steroids, and I saw it in Misty's eyes, asking me, "can I got to sleep now". So, at 11:30 a.m. she did. She has a brother Alex, we call him Al for short .... he just became a teenager on june 8th, 13 years, and she had another brother, Toby, who was just 10 in February. We all miss her. My best friend, Barb was with me and gave me the strength to get through all this. So, now we are all over at her house along with her three dogs, Summer 15, Clay 6 and a new family member, Syndney-Faith who just turned one on July 25th. Misty's looking down at us with my Mom who's probably taking her for a walk or playin' ball with her.......... We love you Misty and we all miss you. Thanks, Mom for taking care of her. I love you both........
Love always, Louise, your Mommy xox

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