It was two weeks ago Saturday that you left this plane. Words can never say what I feel about your loss. A part of me died that day too. I was so lucky to have found the Rainbows Bridge, and all the sweet and loving people who have signed your guest book. I hope that you have been comforted too. I know that it is just a matter of time Lola Bean when we will be together. I miss your kisses and love so much but I'm sending them to you right now so don't forget you can send it back to me! I made the appointment with the doctor to get my hip replaced. I no longer have to fear that you'll miss me so. I know that you'll be with me then and always.
What a wonderful dream yesterday, two hours of loving, snuggling, plaqying with your Princess shoe. I awoke refreshed and comforted and I swear I could smell you on my clothes. You were always the best smelling little girl! When it's time to go to bed my darling, don't forget I keep your place ready for you to come and snuggle.
I love you with all my heart and soul, Lola bean,