by Madeline G.........................................
Meeting The "Twins"
One morning shortly after we moved to Hastings, Michigan from Chicago, Illinois, my mom and me went out for mommy/daughter time. It was that time of year were there were a side-walk sales going on in the town with the little stores. My mom and I decided that we were going to go to the Barry county Animal Shelter (Barry county was our county) after looking around. So we went in, and not intending to buy anything I imidityly was drawn toward the cat room and went inside. I imiditly saw these two twins they were the most beutiful thing I had ever seen. And then it happend. Can I hold them please? Sure! My mom looked at me with a face that said "Oh! You know how to butter me up" and butter her up I did. The man gave them to me and I was at a young age so they were heavy. Dragging their toes on the ground over to my mom I said "oh mom aren't they the cutest cats you have ever seen?" Looking at me with another one of those faces that said "you better not ask for those things or" and before the look in her eyes finished, trying for me to ignore the fact that she was giving me the look, I said "mommy can I have them?" Then there was silence, then she said "I'll talk to your dad about it". Then I asked the man what are there names? Oh lets see. Pam (which was one of the animal shelter people?) What are the cats names that are orange on the top left? Uh? Oh yea! The littler one is named Scooter and the bigger one Pooh-bear. I looked at my mom in discust of the name Scooter. Then I said "oh". Then my mom said "how long do they have here?" Oh! A little less then thirty days. Oh ok. Thank you! "No problem" said the man. We got in the car and I said "mommy can I have them?" I don't know. I started to burst into tears because my mom told me about the thirty day policy. The police was that if the animal wasn't adopted within thirty days they were euthanized. I thought it was evil it was a abomination! My mom said nothing is for sure.
We got home and I told my sister and brother about the cats. Us kids were so excited! After tons of begging mom and dad said ok. But we can't afford it right now. You guys don't under stand that theirs more than just the cats theres the shots, the flea and tick, the dewormers, and the neutering. As you can probably tell we were not wealthy at this point are life because we just finished moving in a year or two before this event. So we had a big glass jar and we called it the "vacation fund" which was a jar full of change we saved in that year and then it would usally got o something like Birthday presents or other things we needed help with. So with that money this time all us kids ran over there and started to count the money and then we all went in are rooms and looked in are piggy bank pouring all we had on top of each others money started counting. One penny by one. And in the end we had just enough money to pay for everything. Of course with a little help from are parents we paid it off. Once we got them my life was complete. I changed scooter to the name Tigger. I loved him more than the stars in the sky! He passed April 9, 2007. he was 7 years old. He was a barn cat. I don't thnk I'll ever be the same again. The vet thinks he had a blatter infection. She thinks we caught it to late and it popped. I loved him dearly.