Sleep My Little Angels
by Madeline Warnock.........................................
Sleep my little angels, when You wake you soon will be acomanyed by me, Please get a long rest, for when you awaken we will make our jurney across the bridge together. Along with all the others that were once mine. We will soon be reunited when I suffer the scilence of death, and walk across that field that you were playing in during your wait, for me to find you. For the other pets of mine we will return every week to see the others of ours that just recently joined the new wait for us. Life will never end where we will soon go and stay. Even if I am chosen to live life again you will wait for me to return. It still will hurt over the years that we were sepporated in that 5 seconds that you were soon gone and started the wait for me. But when I arrive you will soon stop the wait of lonesome and have a compainion that will care for you. First my mother or father will arive and care for you unless something happens tragic. But please until that moment that we are reunited get well look over the other pets of my family that will soon be joining you look after oneanother and visit me on earth when you can. I may not see you but if you rub up agianst my legs I'm sure that I can feel you and either in my mind or a whistper I will say "Hello please stay awhile and see what things you have been missing. Don't be scared I will be there for you one day or another just don't ever forget the ones who gave you care and loved you. Give me a sign when you are leaving so I know that you are waiting for me once agian." so then on I will wait for that moment when I will be reunited with my pets and family. So if you guy can hear this up in the heavens don't think you are alone we will return one day and along with the other animals that have passed under my care we will cross that bridge waiting to find our family.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Madeline Warnock
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