Angels Watching Over Me
by Marcia Evans.........................................
My animal angels are watching over me.
I can feel them there, just out of sight.
I talk to them and they answer me.

I asked Pirate to help Ranger understand that I am a kind and considerate horse owner. I know he did, because Ranger settled in so quickly to being my horse.

I looked in the eyes of Chester as he moved out of this world, and into the next. I thanked him for his kindness and the care he showed to all those who rode him in his thirty-one years. I know he knew I was there and was comforted.

I was so devastated when Luna had to leave me. I asked her to help me find another dog friend, and along came Lucy. I knew the minute I saw her that Luna intended her for me.

Munchie is always with me. She taught me everything I know about being a dog mom. Maggie gave my family all her love and I am sure she is still here among us.

Elaine lived with us for twenty years. She filled my home with soft purring love and was patient and kind to my children as they grew. I think she sent us Rosie because without us Rosie would not have had a home.

Each day when I pet my animal friends or talk to them, I remember the wonderful animals that came before them. All that they taught me, all that they gave me and I know they are giving still.

Lucy, Rosie, Ranger and I thank you for all you have done to make us better friends for one another. I know you are there, just out of sight, and one day we will be reunited to share our love for one another more deeply than ever.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Marcia Evans
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