by Margie Allison.........................................
My Muffy was more precious and beautiful than most dogs I have ever meet. She was white with Auburn ears. Training her was so easy. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but she was always having to adjust to our moves and where we would move her food, beds and where she could use the bathroom in the house. Even doing her last days, she knew where her potty rug was. She was so sick, but loving and giving as much as she was capable of doing.
I obtained her from my mother when she was only 6 wks old. She was a light brown. I took her to the groomers to find out she was white and a Bischon and not a poodle as we had her groomed for. My grandmother who was about 96 at the time and suffering from Dementia named her Muffy. She will be forever in my thoughts. We have buried her in our back yard so that we may have her close by and we are building a memorial to her. Because of the animals in the area, we are placing paving stones on her grave and planting tulips. I could go on how she loved us. I told her in November that she had to live long enough for me to get through a surgery I had. She did. I told her in December that she had to hang on so she could open her Christmas gift, she did. She loved opening gifts. Then my roommate got sick and I asked her to please hold on until she got through her sickness. She did. Then I knew it was time for us to let her go. I am having difficulty accepting that, but I know it's for the best.