Sweet Missy Pepper
by Margie Amos.........................................
Adopted, a fuzzy little kitten, named, Peppermint Patty,
Oh, the joy we all had as you became part of the family.
Almost 16 years gone since the little girl brought you home,
The years pass by and you both have grown.
We gave you food and love, that was out duty,
But you gave us so much more, happiness and comfort,
Even when you snooty.
You were a furry giant in the doll house door,
Til one day you could not fit, banned evermore.
The girls, they teased you with tape down your back,
The man claimed to hate you, as with all cats.
But it was clear and evident right from the start,
That you kitty ways became ingrained in our hearts.
You dipped your orange paw in the water bowl to check the
level before you would drink,
You waited for me to finish showering to catch drips from
the bathroom sink.
You peered over my shoulder while I put on my makeup,
Your incessant preening and licking we could not interrupt.
You rolled to and fro on the floor looking so cute,
A nose meet, followed by a forehead nuzzle, a friendship
I could not refute.
You patiently waited as I finished my evening meal,
And my last bite was your signal to meow with a zeal.
I look for your little eyes to peer over the sofa arm,
Waiting for my tap to signal the alarm,
It's OK to jump into my lap and make yourself comfortable,
But sometimes you could not wait, my litte lap warmer.
You jumped on the bed to bid me a goodnight,
Before you settled on the corner chair in your cushy bed just right.
Sometimes in the night you would sneak back up to snuggle
and purr by my side,
I knew and let you be, but the man he could not abide.
You hated the noisy hair dryer, the rustling of plastic bags,
the mans electric guitar, but we teased you anyway,
A scowl you would give us and scurried away.
Your bobbing inquisitive face in the french door window pane out back,
Beckoning us to let you in for your afternoon snack.
Your frantic pawing at the door to come and go out, out and come in,
You couldn't make up your kitty mind, my fickle feline friend.
You did not deserve your final end and fate was cruel to you
that horrible day,
Terror on eight legs invaded your world and took you away,
I am so truly sorry no one was there to save you, protect you,
and keep you from harm,
I wish so very much I could hold you and comfort you in my arms.
I miss you and a day does not go by that I do not think of you and cry,
A pat on your head, a tug of your ear, your happy gurggly sound,
your funny face nearby.
The house seems less of a home and so very empty,
Without the presence of our Pepper kitty.
You are not there to lap up the tuna water in your black bowl,
To soak up the patch of sun beaming on the dining room floor,
Wait for us Sweet Pepper as you frolic in eternal grassy fields,
chasing feathers in the wind,
Be comforted in the knowledge that you family will join you
at their final end.
Time is of no value there so it will be a swish of you tail
with an orange tip,
But an eternity for us as we mourn, but we will never forget.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Margie Amos
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