by Maria Wilgus.........................................
BAXTER was my pekinese/cocker spaniel mix. He was opinionated, grumpy, thought the world revolved around him, and he loved me unconditionally. He loved to travel, and has been across the country several times with me. He has lived in 4 states, and chose his human friends with a method known ONLY to him ! The first time he actually saw a cow was froim the car window, he just couldn't figure out what they were! We took to calling them Moo-kitties, since he definately understood kitty. Arriving in Oregon, we lived next to a farm with cows. One foggy night, Baxter escaped and ran under the farmers fence where i cooiuldn't chase him. ALl I could hear in the distance, was mmmmmoooo, bark bark, moo ! Calling him, he finally returned and seemed rather pleased with himself. A few nights later, while i was bringing in wood for the fireplace, he darted past me and again headed for the farmers field. I was furious! He sometimes just decided he was going to do as he dam well pleased, and no amount of "NO NO" could stop him. I dashed out, giving chase as far as i could, again, mmmmoooooooo, bark bark, mooooo. I waited by the fence, calling, hoping the cows would not stomp him, or he would not terrorize them and make the farmer angry at me. Finally, i heard him comming, he was running as fast as his short little legs would let him! His ears were flopping behind him, and the look on his little face was sheer terror! He whizzed past me, into the house through the open door...i followed and found him in his bed, shaking, covered with slime! The cows must have rolled him around out there in the field, and well, lets say, he didn't smell very pretty at all ! After a bath, some good smelling conditioner, and a stern talking to, he never again bothered those cows in the neighbors field! after noon, while we were out riding around town, Baxter was asleep on the passanger seat of the van. I was out yard saleing, and was out in the country when i happened to spy a cow very close to the fence, which was vewry close to the road. (Now, i loved Baxter VERY much, but once in a while i couldn't halp myself to play a trick on him)...SO, i pulled the van close to the fence, and the cow was just about looking right into the passager side window. I said. "Loook Bax, Moo-Kitty!" His head popped up, and i pointed at the window, he immediately jumped up against the window with his front legs on the arm rest of the door and came FACE to FACE with a cow!~ He looked at me, and now, i swear this part is true.....he said, "THAT AIN'T NO KITTY!" and he immediately tumbled out of his seat.That stunt cost me a mcdonalds hamburger, and he didn't speak to me for the rest of the day! We never again mentioned Moo-Kitties, not even in whispered tones! Baxter was so funny, such a love. He knew he was the center of my world, and he was spoiled and pampered. He loved going to the groomer, and he even loved his Vet. It has been 3 years, i still cry for him. He was 18 years old, and I am grateful i had him in my life. When people said to me, Oh, it was just a dog, stop crying....I compared losing him to someone losing a part of themselves. Baxter loved me unconditionally. He played his own little jokes on me from time to time, we understood each other. When i was sad, he cuddled beside me, when i was scared, he hid under the covers with me, hoping if there was a burgular in the house he wouldn't find us! He had the bank drive up window trained to give him a cookie, and expected mcdonalds drive up window to do the same! He accepted any other stray that I dragged in as if it were just the right thing to do. He protected me when he was feeling brave, and he always made me laugh. I miss my little buddy, Thank you Rainbow Brigde for keeping the memories alive! I love you Baxter, and one day we will be together again !
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Maria Wilgus
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