by Marie Kimmey
I had my boy Rocky for 19 wonderful years. They were the best years of my life, he showed me what true friendship, devotion, loyalty and unconditional love was and meant. He was the best friend I ever had. February 20, 2017 at 11:30 a.m. he crossed over to rainbow bridge in my arms. The most horrifying decision I had to face was euthanizing my baby, I couldn't be selfish anymore by seeing him slowly deteriorate in front of me. He was totally blind, had congestive heart failure and severe arthritis throughout his little body. But I couldn't stand or bare the thought of him not being here with me. He was on 3 medications a day, he never cried so I didn't think he was in any pain. He could hardly stand anymore his little back legs were so weaken with arthritis yet, the decision I had to make when his doctor said, "It's time, he's suffering." I knew I had to let him go, I had to say goodbye to the most loving friend I ever had in this world. I never in my life had experienced such pain, sad to say, yes, I have lost human loved ones but this was totally different and has been unbearable. I know he did not want to leave me, he must have known how much I loved and needed him. The only thing I can look forward to now is reuniting with him where he is waiting for me in heaven so we will be together again but this time for eternity. Until than, I love you Rock and miss you beyond words.
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