by Marilyn Troncoso.........................................
Beauregard was a long-haired Dachshund. He was a show dog. We adopted him from a divorcing couple in 1998. We don't know how old he was, but he passed away on 10/9/2011. He was home when he went over the Rainbow Bridge. I laid on the floor with him while he took his last breaths. I let him know it was OK to move on and that I would see him someday. My sweet husbund and I bundled him in his blanket and soft pillow when his heart stopped beating. He will be returned to the Earth from whence he came, as all of us are. God has a special place for pets we love. If it was not so, I would stop believing.

Jesus rode on a donkey. Was this animal not blessed?

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Marilyn Troncoso
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