by Mary Garner.........................................
Murphy was a very special cat who I fostered since he was 3 months old till he was 3 1/2 years. He & his brother & sister came to me scared & wild. I tamed all of them and found them homes, but kept Murphy as he started having seizures as a kitten. The vet said he couldn't give him anti-seizure medicine. The seizures lasted maybe 10 seconds, but it seemed like forever. He didn't have them maybe once in a while, but then they started getting more frequent. The vet said he didn't need to be put to sleep until they got real bad. A couple months ago sadly they did and I had to put my Murph to sleep. He was very special and lived his life, but at least he was with me and not scared, lonely, and unloved. He was a very unique and special one.