The first time we saw you at the doggie rescue
With your cute purple bow and sweet face, we just knew.
After months of looking, we'd found the right one
So well-behaved, so cute, we'd have loads of fun!
Mowgli, you totally stole our hearts
It's so very hard now to be apart.
We miss your soulful, gentle brown eyes
We weren't at all ready to say our goodbyes.
We miss the sound of your nails on the floor,
Your "woof, woof" when someone came to the door.
We miss our buddy for walks on the beach,
And the way you spun around, so excited, when we took out your leash.
We miss the wag of your curly Pom tail
And how we cuddled together every night without fail.
You had such a proud and mighty stance;
You didn't just walk - it was more like a prance.
You were so cute, you stopped people in their tracks,
From kids to old ladies to guys like fullbacks.
Everyone was charmed by your darling Pom smile.
People stopped us at least 10 times every mile.
We trained for hours and hours in the park;
You never complained or even let out a bark.
Remember our novice obedience class?
You won the top trophy; you really kicked ass!
As a therapy dog, you gave lots of love;
Many thought you were sent from heaven above.
You'll always be a bright light in our life.
The fact that we lost you still cuts like a knife.
When we found out you had cancer, we were so sad;
We wanted to believe a cure could be had.
Surgery, radiation, chemo -- we tried everything!
For a few months, the hope we had made our hearts sing.
We all tried so hard; we launched a powerful fight.
We know you tried to stay with us with all of your might.
In the end, it was more than your poor little body could take
When your kidneys failed, our hearts did break.
Mowgli, we miss you so much that it hurts.
We yearn for your kisses, to touch your soft fur,
To see your little bear face with your cute pointed ears.
We thought we'd have you with us much more than two years.
You were such a perfect dog -- really the best!
No matter what we asked of you, you passed every test.
You gave us such happiness since we brought you home;
The kisses, the long walks, our games playing bone.
Our love for you was so very deep,
Right now we can't seem to do much but weep.
But then we remember our happier days,
And through our tears, we smile, thinking of all your sweet ways.
We'll always remember the love you so freely gave
And we're very proud of you for being so brave.
Thank you, Mowgli, for being such a good boy!
Your love and your presence brought the world so much joy.