The house a mile up the road
by Mary .........................................
The nameless cat was a mature adult cat, and very wise. She lived with a cruel human family and she rarely got food to eat. She had to try and forage outside to see what she could find to eat and that was very little. She was not allowed live in the house with the humans and she did not have nice food, a warm bed or a cat litter tray, not even a warm shed. She longed to have a warm shed to shield her from the cold. The nameless cat had a human family who did not want her, so really she was homeless. 'It is so sad to be unwanted' she thought to herself, 'especially when I am good and do no harm'. She had babies of her own but the babies died because the nameless cat was not fed properly and she had no strength to look after her babies. She heard her human family say that she was an evil cat and she had no idea why because she had done no harm to anyone and she even helped the family because when mice and rats smelled her they stayed away.
Then one day she heard her human family say that she was a horrible looking cat, an ugly cat. The nameless cat was a tortoiseshell and the few times she looked at herself in an old mirror in the back yard she thought she looked beautiful, and she was beautiful. 'So that is why they hate me' the nameless cat thought to herself. 'I don't understand and I am beautiful and good and I don't harm humans. I try to help them in my own way.' The nameless cat was very hurt and sad. 'Sometimes humans who are not pretty are not wanted either, even if they are good.' She heard some humans say nasty untrue things about other humans.
As the nameless cat became more and more hungry, she became thin and her coat became matted. She realised that her human family were not going to help her. The nameless cat lived long enough in the world to know that humans can be very cruel. But she knew that there was definitely good humans in the world too, if only she could find some. Some people think that cats are very dirty creatures and should not be allowed live in the family home. The nameless cat knew that this was not true because with love and warmth and a nice clean litter tray cats are very nice clean animals and great companions too. "I spend hours trying to groom myself" she said "but my coat has become so dry and matted I can not clean it properly, and I was so beautiful." The nameless cat began to think and she decided that neither cats nor good humans should stay with cruel humans.
So one day the nameless cat knew that she was going to get more babies and this time she wanted them to live and not die because she was not fed that she had no energy to look after them. She knew she would need food and a warm place to sleep so that she could care for her family. She decided to go looking for a new family. She so much wanted a family to love her and she knew she would love them too. She knew there was another house a mile up the road because one day she went for a walk and she seen this house with her own eyes and it looked friendly. She decided that she would try and go there. 'I hope they are nice humans' she said to herself.
In the house a mile up the road there lived a kind gentle little girl and everyone affectionately called her Pixie. She was called Pixie because she loved multicoloured caps that came down over her ears and tied under her chin. The caps had tassels on top and so the little girl became known as Pixie. Pixie's Mammy and Daddy are kind humans and they love animals. Of course the nameless cat did not know that they were kind humans, she was only hoping. She was making plans to try and go there. Thinking to herself she said 'I will go there tomorrow and I will keep a distance and if they yell at me or hit me I will go away.'
The nameless cat was very hungry and she felt she had no more strength. She went into a hole in the hedge to try to get some sleep. The hedge was very cold and she found it hard to sleep but eventually she drifted off into a restless sleep. Her soul was crying out for something or someone to help her.
Then something amazing happened. The nameless cat had a dream, a dream that seemed to go on forever. She saw the house a mile up the road and a little tabby kitten, a real small kitty. The little tabby was outside the door of the house a mile up the road and it was crying pitifully. Pixie's Mammy and Daddy opened the door. "Oh look" said the human Mammy "a little tabby, it's so tiny, a little baby". "Yes" uttered the human Daddy "someone must have dumped it." What a shame" said the human Mammy crossly, "some people will do real bad things, and they can be so cruel." "Let's give it some milk" said the human Daddy, "the poor little thing."
In her dream the nameless cat saw the tenderness that the human Mammy and Daddy showed to the little tabby kitty. She saw Pixie taking up the little baby tabby in her arms and hugging it and she said "let's call her Puddles." As the dream continued the nameless cat saw Puddles now grown in to a big tabby and she lived indoors in the heat with the family and she had a lovely food dish and a cat litter tray and a lovely armchair to sleep in. She even had treats, funny shaped things in a foil package. The nameless cat could see that Puddles loved the treats.
As the dream continued, the nameless cat heard Pixie and Pixie's Mammy and Daddy talking. "I think Puddles is lonely" whispered the human Mammy "we will have to get her a companion." The human Daddy agreed. The next thing the nameless cat witnessed another cat living in the house a mile up the road. The cat was another tortoiseshell just like herself. Pixie named this little beautiful tortoiseshell Twinkles. Twinkles lived with Puddles in the family home and the nameless cat could see Pixie and Pixie's Mammy and Daddy talking to the two kitties and hugging them and they even bought them toys to play with.
Eventually the nameless cat woke from her dream. She did not feel the cold anymore, but she felt weak from hunger. But she knew that she was chosen. The angel who looks after animals heard her wish and she now knew that the house a mile up the road was a very friendly house and cats would be safe there. Her eyes were stinging with tears and she knew what she had to do.
The weakness made it difficult for the nameless cat to walk up the road to the house a mile up the road. She walked in the ditch because she feared the cars flying past at top speed. But she was a wise cat and she always protected herself from speeding cars but now that she was so weak she was frightened.
She managed to get to the house a mile up the road. She came cautiously into the yard. She kept her distance. Pixie and Pixie's Mammy and Daddy were in the yard when the nameless cat came. "Look" said the human Daddy," oh this poor cat is so pitiful looking, and seems so frightened too and she is all matted." The human Mammy and Pixie cried at the sight of the nameless cat. "We will leave food for her, and then go away from her, so that she will eat it and not be frightened." sobbed the human Mammy. The nameless cat was stunned to see milk in one dish and stuff that tasted like meat in another dish and she eat it all, every last bit of it. She licked her lips and felt so happy because she now had a full tummy and had not to go rummaging like she always did. Then she went back home to the human family who did not want her and thought she was evil.
The next day and the next few days the nameless cat came back to the family a mile up the road and each time there was milk and lovely meat food. Then one day the nameless cat decided she would let the family in the house a mile up the road pet her because she felt she could trust them now because after all they gave her meat food and milk every day. Her coat was starting to shine and it was not matted anymore.
She loved to be petted and Pixie coaxed the nameless cat to come into the kitchen. The kitchen was lovely and warm and she slept for hours in the armchair. And she was not yelled at or threw out or anything. The angel for animals was really looking after her. From that moment on the nameless cat decided she would stay with the family in the house a mile up the road.
The nameless cat knew that she could not live full time indoors with the family in the house a mile up the road because Puddles and Twinkles lived indoors all the time. But she had lots of food for her tummy and a nice warm shed to sleep in and that made her so happy. One day Pixie said "let's call her Bubbles." Bubbles was delighted because she was no longer the nameless cat, she now had a name.
Bubbles became strong and healthy and then her babies came. Pixie and Pixie's Mammy and Daddy put the babies in a nice box in the shed in the garden of the house a mile up the road and Bubbles could go in and care for them all the time and then come into the kitchen in the house a mile up the road and eat and have a sleep. The babies got bigger and bigger and could eat on their own and Bubbles was so happy and her coat was shining with health. She was so glad she moved into the house a mile up the road.
Now that her babies were big and strong and healthy and she was in full health again, Bubbles liked to go wandering during the day. She always came home to Pixie and Pixie's Mammy and Daddy in the evening and she would be petted and fed and she would sleep in the kitchen for a few hours and then go out to her warm shed.
But one day Bubbles was on her wanders and she was crossing a road. She was right at the ditch and a car came close to the ditch driving very fast. The driver was an evil person who had no regard for God's creatures. Bubbles panicked and instead of running into the ditch she ran back into the path of the car. There was terror in her eyes as the car with the evil driver hit her at full force. Death was instant and suddenly Bubbles could see her own body, an empty shell, but her spirit was in a beautiful place.
Bubbles was now in a field that shone with all the colours of the rainbow. There were all kinds of nice things there. This was the heaven that God prepared for pets until their humans came to meet them and take them with them to eternity. God came to meet Bubbles and told her how loved she was and how precious she was and that she was an important part of his creation.
There were all kinds of animals there. And all hurt animals were now fully healed. All the animals became friends with each other and helped each other. All the animals felt so loved and cared for. They knew that cruelty to animals made the Lord's heart bleed but humans have free will and some humans love evil and hate goodness. Some humans never learn.
Bubbles told the Lord about the loving family in the house a mile up the road. Bubbles explained that she was worried now about the family in the house a mile up the road and how would they cope without her. The Lord told Bubbles that she lived on earth for a reason. She suffered with her first family and then went to live with the kind family in the house a mile up the road and because of this the kind family is now speaking out for abused animals and encouraging other people to be kind to animals. Bubbles was told not to worry, the family in the house a mile up the road would be ok and they would all be together again some day.
Bubbles had not returned home and Pixie's Daddy went to look for her. He found her body on the roadside across the way. He had to come home and tell Pixie and Pixie's Mammy about finding the body and how poor Bubbles was killed by an evil car driver. Pixie and Pixie's Mammy began to cry but the Mammy quickly pulled herself together. She put her arms around Pixie and said there are three reasons why they must not grieve for Bubbles. Her family are grown and strong now and she lives on in her family. We rescued her and we made her life happy. She is just a breath away, we can not see her but she is now in animal heaven. Pixie smiled because she was so glad to know that Bubbles was in a beautiful place now and she knew that her Mammy always tells her the truth.
Bubbles was watching all of this from animal heaven and it made her happy. She knew that her human family in the house a mile up the road loved her like she loved them. Bubbles now had a wonderful wisdom and knew everything. She knew that human families who neglected and abused their animals and their human children would have to deal with their conscience someday. Abused and neglected animals and abused and neglected human children never reach their potential in life unless they find a loving gentle family like the family in the house a mile up the road to care for them and guide them.
Bubbles felt sorry for the cruel family because when they hurt her they also hurt themselves and someday they will suffer pain and sorrow. The human Mammy and Daddy in the house a mile up the road had nothing to fear because they were a great human family. They cared for their little girl Pixie real well and taught her to respect all the creatures God created just like they themselves respected and loved all of God's creation.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Mary
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