Until He Purred Away
by Michelle Biehl.........................................
"Until He Purred Away"

A baby animal is a pure joy
Playfully chasing toys
Loves to run about...

Where is my kitten now?

Among the chaos of this life
He provided me with light
Stuck with me like a Shadow
On my shoulder like a sparrow

Kneading at my face
He kept his claws at bay
Loved me everyday
Why can't people be that way?

Did I miss a telling sign?
I thought he would be mine for his expected lifetime....

I took him to the vet
I had them run the tests
They gave him just one shot
It seemed to help a lot

Precious weeks passed by
He ate, kneaded, licked, and played
Always by my side...
Until one day his bones he couldn't hide

He was as light as a feather
They told me he'd get better
Then he turned yellow
I felt so sorry for the little fellow

I thought it was all a bad dream
It just couldn't be happening....
Did he really have to go?
I will never know.....

My only joy was snuffed out
Replaced with heart break and doubt....

I carried him to the room
I wonder if he knew....
I held his face in my hands
The sadness I couldn't stand...

He licked the tears from my face
Until he purred away...........

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Michelle Biehl
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