by Mike Barham.........................................
October 1977 -- June 13th, 1990

You came to me so very young,
I had no one but you,
You never asked for anything,
But, you always gave of yourself to make me happy,
"Tail waggin goodness; what a puppy dog!"

We shard so much together, you and I
Rainy nights alone, and hot summer days,
Playing ball on the lawn
White wine and cheese (your favorite), and popcorn and ice cream

You loved to go 'bye-bye'. To the cabin or just around the block
But, especially to go see Puff. You'd say "Please Daddy, can I go?"

You, always, got the Boogie Bears, and kept me safe
You were brave and strong through it all, fighting to the end
You taught me that courage comes in all sizes, even small

You brought smiles to my face that will last for years
I laughed at you and I cried for you

You're gone now, and I miss you, but, you'll always be in my heart
Be happy in your new home, No more pain - No more Boggie Bears

I'll never forget you, Lady. You were my friend; you were my Lady.
Someday we'll pay together, again. Until then...Good-Bye, Lady Bug.

I love you,


Comments would be appreciated by the author, Mike Barham
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