by Mike Clark.........................................
I had to let BUDDY, my 13 year old white cat, go to sleep pain-free from cancer on May 11,2009. For 2 days, he was so weak that he couldn't jump up on the bed, so he stayed under it. The vet had other appointments and couldn't get to him until that Monday morning. After it was over, I placed Buddy in his special made casket, and buried him out back, in site of his room. I then removed the Dallas Cowboys cover he liked from off the bed, and replaced it with one my Mom made. That night, late, I was awakened by motion on the bed, and the feeling of being walked over. I quickly turned on a light, but saw nothing moving. What I did see however was numerous small, paw-print indentations on the NEW bed-cover that WERE NOT there when I finally went to bed. There were NO OTHER cats in the house, and there was no way, no way Buddy could have gotten on the bed while he was alive! I am convinced in my heart that my little boy came to say good-bye as he left for RainbowsBridge-there is no other explanation. Buddy's 2nd visit came during what I thought was a dream. I was in a place where everything was white; furniture, clothes, walls, etc. Iwas in a meeting with a group of people that included my late: aunt, dad, uncles, and Buddy. Buddy went into another room because he didn't like crowds. Everyone decided to break for lunch, and left. I told them I'd be along as soon as I found Buddy and fed him. I found him in the other room, behind a clothes rack of white clothes. I picked him up. I held him close, felt his soft, long white hair. I heard him purring for me as I petted him. Then I distinctly remember saying ALOUD:"How can this be, if you are gone? LORD, if this is a dream, I thank You for it". As I said that, I awoke, feeling a peace of mind I hadn't felt since he left me. These statements are true! To all out there who have lost much loved pets like Buddy(I saved his life as a weeks-old kitten), they never leave us. Sometimes a loving Yeshua, or His pet Guardian-Angel allow them to visit us when we are needing a Spiritual boost. I am BLESSED that Buddy let me know TWICE that he is ok, and is waiting for me.