Our Sweet Girl
by Missy .........................................
*Layla's Story*
My husband is a gentle soul but can be somewhat of a stubborn man. So when he told me he was ready for a "big dog" he could wrestle and run with, I knew it wouldn't be long before he researched and found exactly what he wanted. It proves that I know him pretty well because it wasn't long before he was buying Boxer books, reading and researching everything he needed to know about bringing home a Boxer puppy. I put up some resistance at first, for we already had a houseful of animals...you know, at our "limit." Thank goodness I did resist at first because the timing may not have been right and we may not have ended up getting to know our sweet girl, Layla.
It was a beautiful spring day in March of 2006 when we picked our beautiful puppy up. The sky was bright and full of white clouds and Jarrod and I had to drive out to Monroeville separately to pick our new baby up. We had been interviewed for weeks and talked to the wonderful woman several times. She was having a hard time giving up this sweet puppy, the only one she wanted to keep from the litter, but said it was such a perfect fit that it had to happen... Truer words were never spoken! As soon as I arrived, I scooped her up into my arms and it was truly love at first sight. Layla licked my face so much as though we had been lifelong friends!! She was not at all timid, shy or awkward around us. I held her in the car the whole way home and she licked my neck and face so much that it became red and very slimy!!! What a terrific feeling! She was an angel and a perfect fit from the start. The best puppy you could ever imagine and that's not an exaggeration of any sort.
Bringing her home was such an easy transition. She listened so well and owned the house. She didn't try to destroy things, chew things or whine. She was truly perfect and nothing but a joy from the very start. When Jarrod became sick in May 2007 and couldn't work, Layla was the angel who laid with him day after day, not moving unless he did, caring for him with patience and an unlimited supply of love. He was diagnosed in July 2008 with lymphoma and it was Layla who provided the comfort for him while I was at work each day. Looking back, I sincerely believe this was her main purpose here on earth. She was an angel sent to us to give unconditional love and support to anyone who needed it. She loved Jarrod so much. I was always amazed at how a 6 month old puppy could just be so calm and caring instead of hyper and full of energy, but I knew she understood that her daddy was sick and that is how she took care of him. It gave me such comfort knowing that she was there with him each day when he was sick and I had to be at work.
We had the privilege of having Layla in our lives for 2 years and 2 months. She was 2 ½ years old the day she was taken from our lives here on earth. It was a day that we will never forget but try to daily. May 13, 2008 was a day that remains a turning point in our lives. You know--the kind of day that has such an overwhelming impact on your life that you are never ever the same because of it. It was a beautiful day from what I remember... similar to the day we brought her home with us. I put her in her "Layla room" that morning and gave her extra treats as I said goodbye for the day. I remember looking her in the eye... I knew she was telling me she loved me just as I was telling her. She was the kind of dog that you miss even if you were away for a few hours. Jarrod and I were always excited to come home from vacation just to see "our girl." Little did I know, that would be the last time we would look at eachother.
As traumatic as it was for me to receive that phone call that afternoon, I cannot begin to imagine what my husband had to go through that day. I rushed home as fast as I could possibly make it, unable to breathe or think clearly. My head was spinning. What do you do when you are told you have lost a part of your soul? I have felt a sense of guilt for not being there during Layla's last minutes but I just don't think I would have been able to survive if I were. Thank God my husband is the man he is; he gave Layla such comfort and peace during those moments. I will never know what they shared during that time, but then again, they had such a bond that it would not have even been appropriate for me to try to understand. It has given me peace, however, to know that it was his eyes that she looked into when she took her final breath. I know she felt loved and safe as she made her journey to the Rainbow Bridge and for that, my husband is a hero to me.
As the hours passed and reality sunk in, a true depression was reached. Although we both had trials throughout our lives, this was the one that affected us both the most. She was our family and now she was gone. Each minute seemed to drag and our hearts hurt worse and worse. So many people adored Layla and we received such wonderful cards and messages. Of course we appreciated the thoughts and prayers, but it didn't seem to help at that time. The only thing that has helped, even now, is knowing that we will see her again and that she is still a part of our lives. She isn't here physically, but emotionally she is in our hearts and we carry her with us each day.
I know that Layla had a part in helping us become parents. She prepared us for loving someone else more than ourselves. I know that she will watch down on us and our baby and continue to give us that love that she gave us during her time here. She was more than a dog, a pet, or a puppy. She was the kindest soul that I had ever met. Layla gave love to others and never expected a thing in return. She made you feel loved.
It was so easy to love her and it's so hard to miss her.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Missy
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