A true experience of Rainbow Bridge
by Molly Poser.........................................
Hi everyone,

My name is Molly. I am happy to share this true experience with others who have lost a beloved pet. I have been told my entire life that "pets don't have souls" and therefore, "pets don't go to heaven." Being the animal lover that I am, I was never satisfied with that explanation. How does anyone know anyways. Have people died, gone to heaven, and returned to earth knowing this? The only person that I know of that has done so is "God". I think everyone gets my point.

Moving on now, it is important to tell everyone where I was when this miracle took place or no one will understand. I was in a small town in located in Bosnia, called Medjugorie. It is a place where there are apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary also called Our Lady. I have been there twice and will be returning this summer. It was on my second trip there a few years ago that Mary and Jesus gave me the most wonderful gift. I was on the hill where the visions of Mary first started almost 25 years ago now. Thousands upon thousands of people visit there each year. Ok, so on this hill where Mary first appeared (to six children), I sat quietly and prayed. No one knew what I was praying about. I was praying to know if there was a Rainbow Bridge (or Pet Heaven if you are not familiar with the term Rainbow Bridge). It was about 20 minutes or so and I saw a dog walk right by me (and my mother Nancy who was on the trip with me). This dog came out of no where. It walked right by the cross that is staked on the hill. My mother Nancy's reply to me was, "look Molly, dogs really do go to heaven!" No one knew what I was praying about. It was hot out and I was trying to figure out a way to get this dog some water. By the time I figured out how to do so the dog had disappeared. I went back to my spot on the hill disappointed that I couldn't find the dog. The next thing that happened was amazing. I almost immediately saw a young man stand up wearing a white t-shirt with a rainbow on it! Now, I know that there are many skeptics out there but I am not done with my story yet. Our group leader Stephanie, whom has been to Medjugorie over 100 times, said something very special to me. Stephanie said that "Mary had a special message for me!" When my mother Nancy and I heard that we both started to cry (happy tears of coarse). That is what my special message was. That there is a Rainbow Bridge. That is the best gift I was ever given by anyone. I am certain that Mary would like me to share my gift with others and I am happy to do so.

I have wanted to share my story with others but I haven't found the right opportunity to do so. I want to help others. I know what it is like to be an animal lover. Most people don't understand us. I have no problem if you pass my story on to other people. Like I said, I want to help those who have lost a beloved pet. They will be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge! Remember to always pray, pray, pray. I hope the group likes my true story.


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