The Gift
by Monica Brinkman
The Gift

Do not shed tears each day
Now that I have gone away
I sit beside you as you drive
Or cook or write or fantasize
After all that we’ve been through
I’d never stop caring for you
Though my furry form cannot be seen
We shall forever be a team
My spirit and my soul remain
To comfort you while you’re in pain
I couldn’t have asked for a better life
Or so much love and sacrifice
Bestowed upon this furry friend
I thank you for being there till the end
For love itself, never dies,
It is the ultimate bond that ties
Now do this one thing for me,
As I wait here for eternity,
When your heart aches and pains
Focus on what remains,
The special bond, the memories
The gratefulness of knowing me,
And I shall wait until you pass
I’ve made a spot, within the grass
For you to come and visit me –
And let me sit upon your knee
Forever – for eternity
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Monica Brinkman
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