by Kaila Myers
Chomper was a beagle/german sheperd mix.He was almost 9 years old when he came to live with me and my family.He had belonged to my cousin but he could no longer keep him,because of a move.So he went to live with my Grandma who lived a couple blocks away. Well,she died of cancer.So my family and i went out to Iowa(where she had lived.) And we brought Chomper home with us. He was a very overwieght dog.Because my grandfather used to feed him a lot of food. He was such a funny little guy. i used to take him on walks and run with him.It was hesterical to see such an old over weight dog trying to run so fast. He had a TON of health problems though.And he quite a few very disgusting and bad behaviors.My parents decided that we could no longer keep him,so they started looking at animal shelters.You see i had a "vet book" that listed different diseases and started looking threw there and it didn't give me much comfort. While all this was taking place i was petting Chomper and i felt an unusual lump on his chest.I thought that he might have had cancer.My parents kept trying and trying to find aome place that would take him.But no one would because of his health problems.So they decided the kindest thing would to do for him is to have put down.When they told me this i felt my heart being ripped to shreds.They told me they had tried as hard as they could but couldn't find any shelter for him.i had about one day left with him.So on my last day with my first dogi started thinking about how he slept behind my door and snored,how he followed me around the house,and how ridicules he looked trying to run.And i thought of all the times he smiled that little puppy smile he had when he wanted something. And as i was lacing up my tennis shoes i saw him looking up at me with that puppy smile.Because he knew he was going on a walk.And i started crying when he looked up at me like that.On our final wlak togetheri told him what was going to take place in about the next two hours or so.When we were almost home i sat done and started sobbing.He just quietly sat there and watched me. He came over and liked my hand. I gave a BIG hug and just sat there and held him,like a small child hugs her teddy bear.I kissed him and kissed him.I told him how much i loved him and that he wouldn't be alone.I told him that my dad was going to coe home and take him and be there with him.My parents wouldn't let me go with him. just sat there sobbing into his fur.Saying that he was such a good dog and how much i loved him.i scratched his favorite spot on his ear. Then we wen inside. And i got ready to leave the house with my mom and my brothers and sister.I felt like nobody understood him the way i did and vice-versa.I'll never forget him.He taught me so much in the short period of time i had him.Everyone missed him.Even my older brother who acted like he hated Chomper.ANd our other dog,Hershey,missed him as much as i did if not more.She didn't really care for him that much,but she tolerated him. I know Chomper is happy know,and that he is patiently waiting for me to meet him again. I love you Chomper with all my heart.I know it's been almost 2 years but i still miss him,and probably always will.
Submitted by Kaila,

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