Ginger Stay
by Nancy Woolley.........................................
So many times I commanded, directing throughout the day
Pointing with a firmness, don't move now Ginger "stay"!
Don't you even think about it don't you even move!
You remember when I said those words? Cause a kitty's on the loose!

I was afraid you'd chase that kitty or a doggie from afar.
Worried you'd run in the street in front of all the cars.
You know it's cause I loved you that I'd yell now Ginger "stay"!
Because you were so precious I protected you that way.

Remember how you greeted me you wagged your Ginger tail?
And followed me outside when I went out to check the mail.
There was no time for collars and the leash we left behind
So I had to be alert for you and watching all the time.

Most times then you would listen when I told you Ginger "stay"!
But on that rare occasion you'd be bad and break away.
The last night you were with us on the blanket where you lay.
I wanted to hold you in my arms and beg you Ginger stay.....

I knew I was being selfish, and it had to be okay.
For this final one last time I had to let you break away.
Fly to the angels sweet girl, you no longer have to "stay".
Up to the bridge to wait for me, I'll meet you along the way.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Nancy Woolley
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