by Nancy Nelson.........................................
It is with a very heavy heart that I tell everyone that GC Toda's My Butterscotch Surprise LA aka "Baker" crossed the Rainbow Bridge in my arms this morning May 6,2008. He was 13 yrs, 4 mos. old.
Baker came into my life quite by accident. I had mentioned to several people at a show one weekend that the ASH was the breed I was interested in. At a show a couple weeks later, I was pulled aside and asked if I was interested in an ASH kitten. There was a breeder at the show and he had some male kittens that needed new homes. He thought this little cameo tabby might do alright as an alter in the show ring, unlike his breeding partner who thought this was the ugliest kitten he had ever seen. I didn't even know what a cameo tabby was at that time. But, I fell in love, the kitten came home with me, and became Baker. Incidentally, the name came about because this kitten was ALWAYS kneading, even when he walked, it seemed. I figured he must have been a baker in another life, the name suited him, so Baker he became.
Much to the breeder's chagrin (and he mentioned more than once that he had to eat his words), Baker's first show season ended with him being 14th best alter IA. He was shown for several more years and ended up with his Legacy of Achievement.
Baker finally told me he didn't wish to be shown anymore. I relented to his wishes and left him home. After being left home for 2 shows, Baker planted himself in the show bag the next time it came out and wouldn't get out until I promised him he could go with. You see, showing and GOING to a show were not the same thing in Baker's mind. So, Baker became my and any show cats companion. He wanted to come and be petted and admired by anyone EXCEPT the judges. Eventually, Baker would lay on his beach chair for the weekend available for all to admire and pet.
In March of 2005, Baker was diagnosed with chronic renal failure. He had lost about half his body weight and was an extremely ill cat. After a week at his regular vet on IV's, a transfusion and PEG (feeding) tube at the Vet School, Baker rallied and thrived. His kidneys remained stable to the end.
A heart murmur (most likely age or kidney disease related) was found when his CRF was diagnosed and had become more prominent, but of no particular health concerns. He had recently developed hypertension (related to the CRF) which was controlled with medication. He was most recently diagnosed with IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease) after many months of increasingly worse diarrhea. At the same time as the endoscopy to validate the IBD diagnosis, another low-profile permanent PEG tube was placed. He never completed recovered after this anesthesia event. His last bloodwork, a week before his passing, showed stable kidney values and anemia. His last night, he was so weak, he could hardly walk. I spent all night keeping him warm with towels from the dryer. Early the next morning, I was in the bathroom, heard him cry, rushed to him, picked him up, and held him until he passed a minute or two later.
Baker was my soulmate and my travel companion. He would walk on a leash and as long as we were going somewhere there were people who would pet him, he would happily go. It will be some time before I will be able to handle attending any of our yearly concert trips or other yearly outings.
He would wear anything I put on him, much to his chagrin occasionally, I'm sure.
He was an uncle to every kitten born in my house. As soon as mom was done with them, Baker took over. He cleaned them, they "nursed" off him, etc. He loved everyone, 2-legged, 4-legged, it didn't matter. My heart is torn into a million pieces right now. Your head tells you this will happen, but that doesn't help the heart when it actually happens. There will never be another Baker, no cat could ever measure up.
I truly believe Baker had his paw in a decision I made about 10 days after he passed. I had been shopping for a new vehicle, looking at small SUV's (Escape, Liberty, etc). Well, in my internet browsing, I found a silver '02 Cadillac DeVille. Not even close to the kind of car I was looking for. But it was in my price range, has ~the same mpg as the SUV's, and I would be a whole lot more comfortable. Well, the car is now mine and I KNOW that this is Baker's car. I can just seem him lounging on the leather seats thinking "oh yeah, this is the way to go!" I'm getting a DNA pendant of Baker to hang in the car and will be getting personalized plates to show that this car is my tribute to Baker.
There is still a huge hole in my heart that was Baker. I still miss him SO bad, I don't have a day go by that I don't cry. His feline sisters are doing their best to help me grieve, but it will be a long time before I can completely accept his loss. I am waiting for the day we will be together again and cross the Bridge together.