Twinkels Buffy our dog
by Nancy Gann.........................................
Twinkle's Buffy our dog

Posted on May 10, 2013 at 3:44 pm

As I look at my Dog she looks back at me.

Eyes wide open waiting for my next move.

One eye closes as if she is winking at me.

Then both eyes close at once, she is like a star that lights up the sky.

Funny how a dog can touch your heart.

She is getting older now and I dread the day that she will twinkle no more.

The bright star in the sky will take her place.

When that day comes I will look at the sky at the brightest star and that will be my Twinkle's watching over me.

She will be never ending and always there when I need her for all eternity.


Comments would be appreciated by the author, Nancy Gann
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