by Nancy Adams.........................................
6 years ago God entrusted us with 2 beautiful tea cup yorkies which
were sisters. a couple of weeks ago my son left our garage door open after we had left for church. when we got home she was no where to be found. i walked a few feet down by the roadside and found her lying there dead. whoever hit her didn't even stop to check on her. my days are void now. I think of her all the time. everywhere i was she was with me. this grief is so hard to handle some days. as first i blamed my son but i forgave him. my daughter bought me another beautiful yorkie whose name is cookie. i'm trying to form a bond with her but she just isn't dolly. how long will it take for this
grief to lighten up a little? She was my best pal and it just isn't
the same here anymore. please pray that God will help fill the void in my life and in my heart.