by Nina Brosdahl.........................................
I got Beau when he was 8 weeks old. Love a first sight. He did not know how to bark, so I would bark and he would tilt his little head and then I would take him outside. By the next morning..he was housebroke. Never had one accident. Nine weeks..he would retrieve his ten weeks..he knew what each toy was.and on command would fetch it and put it in his toy box. Twelve weeks, he completed obedience training..and out of 29 dogs..he came in top of the class. He never came to beg for food at the table..he would lie on his bed in the foyer and wait until he knew I got up to gather dishes..and then would sit at the end of the hallway and wait for his food. Beau was adored no matter where we took him. He was tall and had a Beautiful face and stance. He was so intelligent that I only had to tell him one time and he remembered. He never jumped on people or furniture. He would go up the 600 ft long driveway and he only wanted the junk mail from papa. He would then bring it all the way down and dump it into the recycle bin. If we went away..I would tell him to go potty. He would go up the driveway and when he would come back..I would ask him if he went Poop. With that he would take off up the driveway again and do his job and then he was ready to go bye bye. He was a wonderful traveler. We drove 1800 miles and stopped to excercise him a few times and he would trek on and we would never hear a sound out of him. He love Mc Donald's Hangabers (hamburgers). He would eat two and then he would have a couple fries. But, he would never eat the fries first. "Beau" Loved Getti (spaghetti). I would tell him Mamas making Getti and he would come running ever so quickly and patiently wait. Beau never complained about anything. He was the most gentle spirited dog and he loved and adored children and people in general. He loved other animals. When he would see the deer in our yard..he would just stand and look at them..even the little fawns. When papa would have a beer..Beau would lift his head and look around and run for his frisbee..and always find it so quickly. We have 3 acres of land, but he always remembered where he last saw it. He would get beer poured into the frisbee and then he would grunt like a pig as he drank it. Then papa would ask if he wanted "MO" (more) and he would say please. He knew please and thank you. He would nod his head like in a bark but, without making a sound. I taught him "No Bark" when he was a tiny puppy. He could only bark if we were playing or if warning us of something. He completed Rattlesnake training in Az..and he did so well. We have snakes where we live also, so I wanted him to be know how to protect himself. I taught him how to watch for cars when in town or crossing an intersection. I had to teach him what "Owee" meant, so I pinched him on his hip and told him "Owee"..then anytime I wanted him to be cautious..I would tell him "Owee" and he would sit down and wait for me to go forth. If I wanted him to come..I would just pat my leg and he would be right by my side. Yes, Beau touched my heart and left his big paw prints on it. I am mourning his passing very much. Beau knew that he was ill. He would look at me as if to say "Mama, I just don't feel well". He had not eaten or drank water for 2 days before I put him down. That day I took him outside and brushed him as usual..and then told him Mama will wash your face..and he came right up to me and put his head up and got his face washed ever so gently. He loved being brushed and having his face washed. One hour before the vet came to our home, Beau drank an ice cream bucket full of cold water. (had to always be very cold)..and ate 2 hot dogs. Just gobbled them up. That was the first thing he had eaten or drank in 2 days. When the vet came..he went up to her as if he knew. He went into the Livingroom and laid down on his Memory Foam mattress.and he entered into "Rainbows Bridge". He slumped over the side of his bed and each front paw by his face. It was very sweet and so peaceful for him. "Beau" had a captains bed and he always got a clean sheet on it every other day. If I got busy and it slipped my mind to chain the sheet..he would walk over to his bed and look at it and then look up at me, as if to say "Mom, please put a clean sheet on my bed". So, this is the story of "Beau" my Yellow Lab. He was Obedient to the end. He was Beautiful. He was Intelligent beyond and he left those big paw prints on my heart. I shall cherish the memories..but, forever miss my baby. I love you "Beausie". You will always be Mama's Baby.