A letter to Bonnie
by Nora .........................................
Dear Bonnie,

I don't know how mommy and daddy wake up without you. You were their alarm clock. When I go to their house, I instinctually look in "your" room for you, expecting to find you snuggled up in the pillows on "your" bed. And when I lie in the bed, I wait for you to prance in and nudge me with your cold, wet nose- alerting me that you are there and it is treat time.

When I am in mommy and daddy's room, I look for you by the mirror, or at the foot of the bed warming our feet and claiming your space. At meals, I save some pieces of my dinner for you. We had London broil last night- you would have loved it. You would have stalked mommy and daddy as they cut the meat, and carried it into the breakfast room.

When you died, I did too. I'm still here, but I feel empty. I have cried every day since. I just want to hold your hand and scritch your ears and kiss you on the head. I look at pictures of you every day, and I have some videos of you doing your after meal wiggle that I also watch. I sleep with your blankey that I had for you at my house because it still smells like you. I'm scared that one day it will lose your scent, because that is the one piece of you that I still have.

I bought a locket and out a B on it for Bonnie. I wear it every day. I haven't had a chance to put a picture in it yet, but I will eventually. Daddy is going to print one for me. I think he is lonely. A little less so now that mommy retired, but I think that they both just miss you being around.

I wish I had come over the night before so I could have said goodbye and told you how much I loved you. They made it seem like it wasn't serious. I guess there was no way to tell. But I loved you, more than maybe you could tell. There is a hole in my heart that I feel won't ever go away because I will miss you forever. You were my best friend.

Mommy asked me if I thought you should be buried in a pet cemetery or at home. I knew you wouldn't want to be with other dogs- that you would want to be with us. We buried you in your jungle so you could play there forever. You will be close to us, and close to Jim. And I will come and visit you. I think I will clear out an area on the patio where I can sit. And I'll bring you a few Wheat Chex, and sing you the Bonnie song.

I just want you to know that I will never forget you and that I will love you forever. I hope that you are happy and safe. I love you and miss you.

Love always,

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Nora
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