My Buddy My Pal My Best Friend "NIKKO LOU"
by Norma Egan.........................................
I got Nikko when she was 6 months old her and I just clicked. Everywhere I went she went with me (except work). She would roll in the front seat if I went in the store she would move over into the Drivers seat. People would laugh because she would watch every move I made if she could see me through the windows. One lady said when I came out of the store she was waiting for Nikko to start the car and pick me up. In the summer I had a pointiac with T-Tops and I would always wear my sunglasses and visor so I got her one. We would roll down the street and she would just sit there and look straight ahead with her glasses and visor on to. We would come up to a stop light and she would look out her side window at the cars next to us as much to say what are you looking at.People would just roll and laugh at her. When I would come in from work she would get to wagging her tail and her whole body would wiggle. We would always tell her she wiggled when she giggled. If I would cry she would lay her head across my eyes and cry with me. When she was about 6 1/2 years old all of a sudden she lost a tremendess amount of weight just suddenly.I took her to the Vet she was in the hospital for a week. cost me $1700.00. She was worth every dime of it. They said she was a diebetic. I brought her home on July 2 and she died in my front yard with her head on my Madonna Statue on July 5. It has been 5 years now and I still miss her so much. I lost my Best Friend in the whole world. The unconditional Love her and I have for each other I just can't replace it with another. I had her daughter someone had given back to me right after she died they didn't want her anymore. Media was 3 years younger than Nikko Looked like her Acted like her I just couldn't make my self cling to her like her mom. I was good to her never mistreated her and she died the same way the same age. I feel like if I get attached to another dog that Nikko will think I don't Love her anymore. But I cant wait to see her at Rainbow Bridge someday. People use to always tell me dogs don't go to Heaven because they have no soul. Well let me tell you my Dogs had a soul. They had a heart, They had lots of Love to give. And I know there in Heaven waiting for me!!
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Norma Egan
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