Hoofbeats and Dust
by Pam
Hoofbeats and Dust
by Pam Green , © 2017
(to tune of Diamonds and Rust, by Joan Baez)

Well I'll be damned,
Here comes my own ghost again
That's somewhat unusual
It's just that my mind's too full
And I can't get to sleep

So here I am , awake in my midnight bed ,
Remembering horses long dead
But unable to weep.

He flew into my life like the Pegasus legend,
The steed of Bellarophon,
His coat blazing flame in the sun,
A prize that was given , not won.
He was mine for a while

In partnership, bareback and bridle-free,
Yes, that girl on the stallion , I used to be she.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Pam
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