by Pam .........................................
God looked down on earth on April 1, 2010 and saw a litter of Pug puppies being born. "Oh dear", He said, "There is a little fawn puppy who is in for a rough time. She is so small and destined for a short life. I must find a family for this spirited little Pug who can give her enough love in a very short time to make up for a long lifetime." So, He looked and looked around and finally stumbled onto a loving family. "Hmm" he said, " this family is perfect. Look how they took in Sadie that homely and mean cat and loved her all her life. And then there was Sam, the stray kitten who didn't have a home or family and they love him. And what about Tazzy that quirky little dachshund that the mom didn't want to be alone. They loved him all his life even when he peed on things. And when I called the dad's mother home, they took Gertie her little pug and made her theirs. And there was the black lab they called Sophie, they gave her a lifetime of love in only 7 short years. Now they are without a dog to guard, love, and give them comfort and I have this spirited little pug who needs a very special family. This mom and dad need a baby and they have children to play with the puppy and help keep her out of mischief. I know her passing will bring them great pain but I believe that the memory of the great love this little pug had for them will comfort them when she is gone. Yes, this family is the only family for this little pug they will call Maddie." And so one day the mom and the kids stopped by the pet store and there was this spirited little pug puppy that they all fell in love with in accordance to God's plan. Then the dad came to see the puppy and he too fell in love. So they brought the little puppy home. All who came to know Maddie loved her and she loved everyone in return. For only 2 short years were they able to be a family before the puppy was taken home to be with God. As God looked down he said, "I knew the family were the right choice and they did indeed give my spirited little pug puppy enough love in just a few short years to make up for long lifetime."