by Pam Poitras.........................................
Jordan was my silky terrier who died on January 6, 2008 at the age of 16. Saturday, January 5th started out to be a normal day. When I got home about 3pm I took Jordan out and then we settled down to eat our ham and cheese sandwich. But then suddenly Jordan had, I think, a seizure. I rushed him to the vet hospital, and found out after blood and urine work, that he was in renal failure. I took him home with some medicine and special food. The vet said that he would die within a year. But on Sunday morning, I heard him yelping and found him in another bedroom flat out on the floor. I put him in bed beside me. His little paws were cold so I covered him up. I kept talking to him and telling him how much I loved him. And I told him that it was ok to let go. I knew what I had to do; I couldn't let him suffer. I bundled my little boy up in his favorite blanket and my husband drove us to the vet. I met my son and sister there; they wanted to say goodbye to my baby. We all cried and said our goodbyes. I held him gently as the nurse gave him his final needle. He passed on so fast - I still can't believe it!

I look back now and I had premonitions about his impending death. I dreamed about his death and I kept seeing other dogs out of the corner of my eye about two weeks before his death. Could these have been spirit dogs coming for my Jordan? Was someone higher trying to prepare me for my baby's death? My heart is torn and I have had chest pains since Jordan's death. I look for him all around the house, and I hate to come home knowing that he is not here. But, can someone tell me if they have ever had their pet visit them after their death? I just want some sign so that I know Jordan is healthy again and is at Rainbow Bridge. I am in such pain, he was my absolute best friend ever. He was "the best puppy in the whole wide world". I always told him that. I love you Jordan and please come and visit me. I have to know that you are alright.

Forever your loving mom xxxxxxooxx

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Pam Poitras
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