Goodbye Taz
by Pat .........................................
My heart is broken today. I knew you would leave us one dayand I am sad that that day has come. I am saddend even more though, because I wasn't there for you during your final moments when you needed me most. I am thankful that you were not alone when you took your last breath, that some of you people were by your side. I know that when you left you did not go alone, for you took a piece of each of us with you. I am also thankful that you were comfortable during your last days with us. I know your pain is gone now and you are now running, romping, and playing with your friends who have gone before you. We all miss you Taz. You will always have a special place in our hearts. We will one day meet again, and on that day my dear friend, we will cross the bridge together.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Pat
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