My Googlie Girl
by Peach Naderi.........................................
I had my Googlie for 15 years and I noticed Feb 19 things were not right, I freaked out as I was hoping it was the end for her. I found this site to read and it help me find a place to have her creamated and how to deal with the death at home that we wanted. I am in such a deep pain right now this is my first time dealing with this kind of death after years of loving my baby girl.

I did do things I learned from reading stories on this site, they were a true blessing to us. We took our baby girl to be creamated yesterday and they were wondrful. I was so happy to bring her back to my room where she loved to hang out. I do she is close I had three visits since she left me, I was freaked out by the first 2 until I understood what it was, now I feel happy to know she is still with me in my heart and soul.

I to had the talk and told my Angel she should go now and do what needed to be doen and stop holding on for me. My Googlie has saved my life 4 times she knew when my sugar was too low and she knew when my eyes started bleeding, she licked them and she was not a licker. My Googlie lived for me she was the best friend I ever had in my whold life.

I covered her up Sunday 2/26/12 kissed her left the house for 2 hours about 5 minutes later I had a sharp pain in my right rib area? I was crying it was too painful my son was going to take me to the ER, I said no it lasted 5 minutes then it was gone. I did not think much about it after that. We were gone 2 hours My Googlie was already hard and cold still under the blankets as we left her, I n ow believe that pain was her telling me she was leaving me, she waited 5 minutes after i told her to go and be with the Angel's.

My Googlie, always laid under my blankets and she would lay her body over my right side and hip her feet one one side her head and arms on the other side, so I think this was why I had that pain on my right side?

I go back to the creamatory this Saturday to have them put her ash's into her new Urn that we ordered for her. I am excited to have her and we will plant a garden for her I ordered a head stone for her too.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Peach Naderi
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