I dug a hole today. It rained this morning so the temperature was in the lower eighties. I dug a hole today in the late afternoon. It was hot but bearable. I dug a hole today with sweat dripping from my eyebrow, love in my heart, and tears in my eyes.
As I dug a hole today; ....it gave me time to think; ....time to remember; ...and time to give thanks. I remembered the good times in my life. I remembered times of pain. I remembered the love I received from friends and loved ones. I remembered the pain form those I hold most dear. I realized that this is life and if, at the end, there are more good times than painful ones, we have had a good life.
I dug a hole today, and as time moved on each shovelful of dirt and each handful of dirt began to bring joy and sorrow. I thought of the joy of the good times and I thought of times of sorrow. The joy always seemed to wipe away the hurt and pain. ...But not today.
I dug a hole today. I wanted it to be perfect. I wanted it to be special. I measured the length it had to be thirty inches, and it was. It had to be twenty-four inches wide, and it was. It had to have square corners, and it did. As I dug a hole today, I began to tire. .... I slowed for am not young, but I never stopped. ....Love kept me going.
I dug a hole today. First twelve inches deep then eighteen. I came about many roots that slowed my digging. With my trusty hatchet I severed them in just the right place to keep my digging perfect. I came upon twenty-four inches deep and felt more sorrow ..... for I had to dig no more. I looked upon this hole I dug with sweat and tears dripping.
I dug a hole today. It is in my backyard, shaded by a beautiful tree. I dug a hole today with a view of the backyard. I dug a hole today that I can see from everywhere.
I have learned to love and that giving love is a wonderful thing. To take love and not return it; is just so sad. I remembered this today as I dug my hole.
I dug a hole today, a very special hole, one filled with friendship and love.
I dug a hole today. This hole I dug will forever remind me to embrace love and hold it dear. This hole will forever remind me to cherish love. This hole will forever remind me share my love with all who shared theirs with me.
In Memory of Topper
1993 to July 5, 2009
My Best Friend
Author: Peter Krause