Those Little Things
by Reace .........................................
To my babies in Rainbow Bridge. It's funny how a simple nod or wink can be do easily forgotten and yet so dearly remembered. When one of youll, a beloved furry, scaley, or feathery family friend passed to Rainbow Bridge, I always seem to cry more about the little stuff you guys did to make me smile. The way you 2(max and oreo) would twitch your nose all crazy if you smelled carrots or how you Crocodile, would open your mouth for a long time if you wanted another cricket. What about how my Wishbone chased my feet under the trampoline. Or when you Panda were the only one who wanted to sit and watch daddy's boring movies with him while you shared a snack on the couch. And you, Fluffy, my first ever rabbit who would watch over me while I slept. Kinda like a guard dog, or should I say guard rabbit? I still remember you Thumper, being abino, with your red eyes. My sister would call you Hitler. Ha. I know you all remember those memories just like I know I do.
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