by Reana .........................................
My boy and girl, I want you guys to know I'm safe here, there is no need to cry, you'll will see me soon. At first I was confused the last thing I remember was the previous morning, the boy had forgotten to put me and my best friend Bugzi away, the girl couldn't because she was at her best friends house. I was exploring the back yard when Mommy let the new puppy out whos name is Pinto because she thought we were in our cage, I didn't like the new puppy much, neither did Bugzi. He instinctively his infer the dog house and I followed him, a few minutes later the puppy was trying to get at us, Bugzi raced out right passed the Pinto, I tried to but couldn't make it to the other side. Pinto started to chase me, he wasn't trying to be mean he just wanted to play, I didn't. I ran even faster but one of my front legs tripped on something and I fell snout first into the mud. I couldn't breathe that well now and my leg hurt really bad, I managed to limp to the open rabbit hutch though and fall asleep. Later I was awaken by the boy who was looking for me and Bugzi. He grabbed me and rushed me inside, the girl had just gotten home and took me in her arms crying, I tried to comfort her but felt so weak. she took me in her room and cleaned my nose so I could breathe again. She placed me on her bed and gave me some water that I drank a lot of. She then tried to feed me, I didnt want any but it made her happy when did eat so I nibbled some of the lettuce. This made my family really happy and then they checked my leg, which didn't hurt at all, but they didn't check my shoulder which hurt a lot. The girl and boy were happy about my leg being not hurt they said because I could somewhat walk/limp on it I wouldn't have to go to the rabbit vet because my leg was just sprained and could easily heal. I was also glad because I did not like the long trips to the rabbit vet in the car. Later they let bugzi in, he played with me and cleaned my ears, he knew I was hurt. I was happy wnd kind of comfortable all day, at night the girl and boy were getting ready to go to bed while i was lying on the couch with Bugzi. All of a sudden my lungs and shoulder hurt a lot I couldn't breathe I started to choke and shiver the girl rushed over and picked me up and told mommy, mommy rushed us in the car and my girl said everything wa going to be ok and that we were going to the vet, I don't hurt any more but felt really really cold and started to shiver uncontrollably, I saw beautiful colors around her head as she cried mumbling all our good memories and what we were supposed to do and that i needed to stay alive, the colors grew brighter and the last thing I remember is the girl told me "I love you Panda Bear" then the colors grew so bright I couldn't see her face anymore. I woke up in a meadow a beautiful beautiful meadow, I felt light and started to float, that's when I saw them all the animals of the world over in this meadow. They tell me I'm in Rainbow Ridge where pets go to wait for their people. I found some of my siblings there and found my real Mommy. Now I just wait here playing and having fun for my family, when one arrives I hope she or he stays until everyone else in my family is here. I also wait for Bugzi and my other siblings who are still on Earth. I also wait for my best dog friend called Wishbone, he loves Bugzi and Bugzi likes him. I wish my girl would stop crying but she cant, she wants me back and I want to go back but I cant. I just hope they all know I'm waiting and Love all of them and I'm not sick or hurt anymore....ill just wait