Before death:
Scooch would always sleep right next to my face and put one of his paws on my cheek to let me know he was here. We would always make sure we could fell eachother before we go to sleep to let the otheone know we would never leave their side. Scooch was friendly to anyone. He knew what time everyone woke up ,bit with me he sat right their next to my face waiting. When I would wake up he either start licking my face or run agaistant me. But either way I would pet him. The funny part is whenever I would take a shower be would be right there sitting on the sink waiting. But rarely he would jump in with me. Whenever I would be home alone watching tv or on the computer he would always lay and sit in my lap. Though sometimes on the computer he would tap the computer mouse icon and play with it . Sometimes he would watch tv with the family too . He loved sun spots so whenever we would open the windows on a sunny day and their would be a sun glare on the furniture or floor , guess who would be in it . Scooch. He loved strings and had this favorite toy with a string an a feather connected to it that I got him for Chritmas 1 year before he was taken away to heaven. We lost it then a couple days before he died we found it . There was never a day were I didn't pet him or held him. Then on Janaury 13th, 2010 it happened.
He first was only laying on the side of my bed with a sad face. So I picked him up and put him in the dinning room . Then 5 mins. later he's dragging his legs to go under the kitchen table. It broke my heart. My mom started flipping out screaming "Hurry up get ready! The sooner the better". I hurried myself not caring what I looked like crying the whole time. I begged my mom to take me with her. She took me. He was in the cat next to me with tears coming down his face. I kept petting him letting him know that I am here to support him. We get at the vet and wait. Then they pulled us onto the room. First hint was when his tempurture was only 94.1 a lot lower then it's regular 99-102. Second hint was when I had to hold him so they could get him something soft to lay on. After I let go I had his fur all over me. Third hint The vet couldn't get a blood presuree in his two back legs and it was heading up to his whole right side. Turns out his heart murmur cased a blood clot in his heart which stopped blood from going anywhere on his body. We had to put him down. When we got to spend time with him before we put him down I talked to him held him and pet him. I told him everything gonna be ok . I love you Scooch don't forget me. When we had to put him down I made sure I was touching him so I laid my head on him and wrapped my arms around him. Once the doctor said he's gone my heart broke. Before I left I kissed him petted him then left. Knowing that was the last time I could ever hold him to my heart.
After Death:
I cried for 1 week straight. I didn't even open the windows and I didn't even sleep in my bed. I looked back at ever meomry I had. Even the last day. A few days I was recommended to this website from one ofvmy mom's friend's daughter. Who went to this site when she lost an animal. I did and found a favorite poem. called Mommy sometiong something sorry I forgot. It helped me a lot. I read it every night before I go to bed or I'm feeling down. I still cry up to 2 or 3 days a week.
To Scooch:
I hope God reads this to you.
Dear Scooch,
It has been a hard month without you. Every Saturday I feel lost because your not there to follow me as I get ready. Every time I drink out of a water bottle I feel like your tons cone running up and rub agastaint it. Then when you don't I feel lost. It snowed today in Maryland. A lot actullay but you weren't here to enjoy it with me. Dad and I still have our days where we miss you a lot. I jut want to let you know I love you and I miss you a lot. Also that you will always be my first baby and that no one will replace you ! Our bound was too strong to be forgoten. I love you !