Still with me....
by Richard .........................................
Hello my Precious Pup. You have been gone for two and a half years now. I hope you are happy where you are. I want you to know PRecious, that I am happy as you would want me to be. As you always wanted me to be. About a year ago, another pup came into our life. He's a handsome boxer named Joe. Joe takes care of me. Like you were and are in my heart, he is always with me. He's not a stray like you were; well not exactly. We got him at the local shelter.

I was just telling Joe about you. How I know you two would have been great friends. And I was telling him that I still miss you. Your picture is still here on my computer. Just because I have Joe now does not mean I love you any less than then. And just because I still love you does not take away how much I love him either. You were my girl. He is my bud. Just wanted you to know that I still think of my little yellow dog... my Precious Pup and hope you still think of me. Have you found Fred yet? I bet he was there waiting for you.... and the two of you are as inseparable as you were her in this life. The Odd couple.... Precious yellow Pup... and Fred the yellow cat.

Love you girl.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Richard
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