by Robert .........................................
My daugheter once asked me "Will Kirby be in heaven with us"?
Or is the place called Rainbow Bridge really exist ?
I won't belabor the subject except to reflect that perhaps "Do dogs go to heaven?" is the wrong question. The right question is, "Does God the Creator love the creation?"
While the Bible doesn't directly tell me whether or not pets will go to heaven, it does tell me that "all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose
Kirby was the 'mascot' of our neighborhood. Kirby has been with us through richer ,poorer, sickness, and health, love, heartbreak, job struggles, family success, failure, marriage ups and downs, and all of life's 'in betweens'.... Always there ... always letting us know he was present. He was always waiting on us just to call him so he could be there. He got so much joy just from being with us." He was a family member.
I have lost a lot of people who weren't loved as much in life, missed so much in death or commemorated so deeply by his survivors, as Kirby." And I might add, "They hadn't done nearly as much to offer loyalty, devotion and comfort to those in their life as he did."
I side with those who think dogs will be there. Given the way we treat one another, I would think it would be the dogs who should be asking the question about us?
I believe Rainbow Bridge exist.