You came bounding over, almost tripping over your baseball sized paws to see who this new person was in your yard, tail wagging with so much excitement you could hardly stand, I looked into your soulful eyes and knew... We will meet again!
The next day I came back to take you home with me, the start of a new life and adventure for us both.
Six months down the road and many memories made, I had to move across country, you couldn't understand where I was going or why you had to stay behind, I hugged you and told you I loved you and.. we will meet again.
Two months later and together again, we embarked on a journey of love and friendship that has lasted us 8 years.
I came home last night to find you were getting ready to make a journey of your own, I didn't understand why you had to go, only that I couldn't go with you, You waited for me to come home so you could say goodbye. And as I looked into your eyes, through my tears, you gave me one last look to tell me... We will meet again!
Dedicated to Phoenix " Magic Boy"
My baby boy, thanks for all your love and friendship.
You changed my life in so many ways.
Know that I love you and miss you.
You will live forever in my heart.
We will meet again!
Robert Foley