A year ago today
My whole world turned completly gray
It was the day we said goodbye
Oh Tori, how I continue to cry
My life now is so incomplete
Everything I say and do is less sweet
I don't know how I've made it through
My heart is still so full of you
The day you died my heart was shattered
You were the only thing in my life that really mattered
When I had to let you go, it was such a shock
How I wish I could turn back the clock
Please wait for me as my day will come
Knowing that I'll see you again eases the pain some
Please remember, beautiful girl, that I'll love you forever
And that one day for eternity we'll once again be together
Tori: Nov.20,2003 to June 12,2010
My love for you goes on and on forever. It will NEVER die.
I love you always, Mommy xoxoxo