"Please don't think"
by Roberta

Please don't think that because I haven't written you a poem for awhile
That with the passage of time without you it's gotten easier to smile.
Please don't think that my heart is any less broken
Because it's been over 8 years since we're actually "spoken".
Please don't think that the memory of losing you has lost its power
I still think of you every second, every minute, and every hour.
Please don't think that my love for you has in any way diminished
It goes on and on forever and will never be finished.
Please don't think that I've stopped being grateful for all that you gave me
I hope you know, Tor, that without you, there would be no "Incredible 3".
Please don't think that because there's a Frankie and Liam for me to spoil
That to you, my sweet girl, my heart is no longer loyal.
Please don't think that your beautiful soul I no longer treasure.
But, please do think and know I long for the day when we are once again together.

Tori: 11/20/03-6/12/2010
I love and miss you so, little girl!!!!
Love always, Mommy xoxoxoxoxo
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Roberta
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