Blazer Boy
by Robin Heyman.........................................
My husband and I had talked about getting a dog for quite some time, but could never agree on the size...I was unable to have more childeren, and needed a dog to take care of.....One beautiful August day..... There he was, the cutest, fluffiest Black and White Siberian Husky Puppy!!! We sealed the deal with the owner, and picked him up a few days later....Blaze was the smartest, gentlest dog I had ever had. He potty trained quicky, learned commands quickly, and loved unconditionaly. He was my sons first dog, and they loved each other. They would play, and run...I was so proud to be his doggy momma! A few days shy of his 2nd birthday, my husband had just left for work, I was barely awake, when I heard Blaze's kennel shaking! I went to see what was going on, and he was seizing...I was terrified. I called my husband, who came back home....The seizure lasted only about 30-45 seconds, but it seemed like an eternity. I took him to the vet that morning, and they diagnosed him with epilepsy (come to find out, his father had epilepsy too). He was put on phenobarb, and i thought things were going to be fine. 6 months passed with no seizures, I thought we were doing so good, he was a happy dog, and his health was holding up. Then the seizures started again, we played with the dosage of his meds, and prayed. In October of 2004, my husband and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary, and the next day was the worst day of my life. Blazer Boy went in to status epilepticus, and we had to go to the emergency vets office immediatly. I will never forget the ride there, sitting in the back of the truck, holding my adorable husky, praying the seizing would stop...It did stop when we got to the vets, and they gave him some meds, but he apparently had also had a stroke, and they did not think he could hear, nor see, and advised us to put him to sleep. It was not a hard decision, as i knew my Blazer was already gone, there was no life in his eyes, and he just lay there......The vet brought him into "the room", I sat on the floor holding my sweet sweet boy, whispered into his ears that i loved him very much, and that he would suffer no more, and as i said those words, the vet injected the med that made my Blazer Boy, my Fluffa Wuffa, go to sleep forever.....I cryed and cryed, i was so angry, he was only 2years old, how could this happen to him? Not a days goes by even still, though it has been 3 years since he left us, that i dont think about him. We have pictures of him around the house, and i talk to him as well. A week after his passing, a new husky puppy came home with us-Kya, and 2 years later a Rottweiler-Makaveli..I hope Blazer knows they can never replace him, he always holds a piece of my heart...Play, run, catch that Ball my Sweet Fwuffa Wuffa...Momma loves you forever.
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