My Baby Bear
by Rose G.........................................
14 years ago I fell in love with the most adorable little kitten. He was such a mellow little guy, being the runt of the litter and that white tear drop on his nose just added to his appeal. He's been with us through absolutely everything, good/bad and all. I just always thought he'd be there.

A few weeks ago, his vet discovered he had cancer in a tumor under his tongue on the left side. I was stunned. That's the best word I can come up with. I was grateful I knew what was coming so I could spend the extra time with him and just treat him even more like the little King he always has been.

Last week, I finally made the appointment to put him out of his pain. He deteriorated so quickly I knew it wasn't long. The hardest thing I had to do was call and make the appointment. I did that and spent the rest of my day crying off and on. Yesterday came all too quickly, he left us for the Rainbow Bridge knowing how loved he is and how missed he will always be.

He was always the perfect kitty. If he ever did anything wrong (which really was rare) I would just tell him not to do it and he never did whatever it was again. It was strange but this was his personality. He never, ever scratched the couch, when he was a baby and ate a plant, told him that wasn't good for him, he never, ever touched another plant again. He was a very loving kitty, very peaceful.

I'm having a hard time trying not to look for him, but 14 years is a long time. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for every second with him. But my heart is broken. That's the hardest part. The remaining fur babies are a bit quiet, but we'll all get through this together.

So, my Baby Bear is at the Rainbow Bridge, he is happy, purring and no longer ill. He is with our fur babies that have passed before.

Rest my Baby Bear, someday we will be together again, but until that day, you will have part of my heart with you...I love you my boy...Always.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Rose G
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