2nd visit from Bella
by Rose Lupo.........................................
If you read my submission on 4/23/12 that is the 1st visit from Bella.

Two nights ago, but not as vivid, the dream sequence is the same. I 'recognize' a cat on the floor as being Bella. "Is that you, Bella?" My heart leaps. I pick her up, and she 'front loads' on my chest, as only she did. Again, a couple things are a little 'off'. There is a gash on her nose and she doesn't weigh as much as she really did.
All I can say is: Oh, my God, Oh, my God, Oh my God.
And that jars me awake. I didn't burst into tears this time. I was just mellow and trying to stay in the moment.
It is so comforting to hold her on my chest. I want her to come back and do all the nuzzling of my face that she loved to do. She'd nuzzle my ears, and my nose, pushing hard on them. She was totally ballistic like this on a daily basis. I miss her being 'blissed out' on her mommy.
I wake up every day now and greet her and wish her a good day, and I tell her that I will find her. One Fine Day.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Rose Lupo
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