by Rose Andrews.........................................
Tanner was my bestest friend.Out of 18 years, he was the one I counmted on!!Never complained, never whined!! He understood.! ! To go to the vet and know I was going to lose my friend I have never felt such a loss!! But I knew the "OLD MAN" would not feel any more pain. But that loss was few, compared to what I knew he was feeling. To lose that OLD MAN was one of the worse days of my life.... But now I adopted MURREY light of my life. He so accepted the OLD MAN. It made it easier. Me and Murray are BESTED FRIENDS!!! I know it is becus of Tanner!!!! Tanner is the OLD MAN but Murray looks just like him. I know it is all good!!!!! By the way Murray is a resue dog. So if you lose your friend, rescue someone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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